Someone's blog is here!

Wed or not to wed


Dressed in a wedding gown, she looked at herself in the mirror. She was not sure about the step she was taking. Getting married at a church was not something she really wanted.

The guests were already at the atrium, waiting for the bride to walk the aisle. She was anxious. Something had to be done. She didn’t want to betray her own beliefs. She decided to ask him for the last time and went to his chamber.

He opened the door, and she timidly asked: “Do we really need to get married through a religious rite?”

– “Of course!” he yelled while slamming the door at her.

She sighed nervously. And knocked again.

– “What is it now?”

– “But I am not sure about this step, honey…”

– “Listen, I got married once before. You’re just getting cold feet.”

– “What do you mean “you got married once before”?”

– “Yes, didn’t I tell you? I got married and we divorced 2 years later…i am sure I told you.”

– “No…you didn’t” – she paused and continued “We can’t get married then!”

– “Why not?”

– “There’s no divorce. Religiously, you are still married!”

– “Dumb politics. My uncle is the right hand to the archbishop, He will take care of it. Don’t worry. Besides, all the guests are here, We’ve already paid a lot of money and I am not going to be the joke of the year! Go back to your chamber and get ready,” and pushed her away.

She started walking away. She didn’t want to do it. His answer had been a light to what her future with him was going to be. Her heart told her to stop. She went back. This time, he was furious. She looked at him.


She took her engagement ring off and gave it to him. He stared at her. She turned around and walked away. No word was said.

The sun was shining bright and the air was clear…

Prejudice don’t tip

Posted in Uncategorized by G on July 16, 2014
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They walked into a restaurant. Danielle had already given up on the idea of sitting down at a table and enjoy a nice dinner with him. Jerry felt that the idea was boring. He was not the kind who could wait for a table, better to walk straight to the bar. “We don’t have to wait and drinks are served immediately,” he would always claim. Besides, he could sit and watch the girls walking by. That was his routine and she had already got used to it. Not that she liked it but there was no way to win that war.

With a very open smile and a high spirit, the barman asked them what they were going to have. Jerry ordered his usual. Danielle asked for a coke, no ice. “My name’s Charles and I will be your server for the night, here are the menus, take a look at them and I’ll be back with your order.”

As soon as Charles left, Jerry couldn’t avoid but making a contemptuous comment about him. He believed Charles was gay and it bothered him. Danielle didn’t say anything. She doesn’t judge people. She appreciates everybody who is nice to her and Charles was nice, regardless of any appreciation Jerry may have had.

The night went on. Jerry was his usual self, looking at other women, discussing things where he is the center of attention and criticizing everything and everybody. They ordered something to eat. Luckily for her, he order one dish for both because she knew how mad he would get if he needed to pay for something she ordered and didn’t finish. ‘You are smarter than that, you could order less,” he would repeatedly say.

Charles brought the check and left. Jerry threw the money inside and left her to give it to the barman. “I have to go to the restroom, give him this and walk to the door because we need to leave immediately. I am not leaving him a tip.” She asked him the reason, and he said: “I don’t tip gays.” And walked away.

Danielle felt terrible. And pulled money out of her own pocket. Charles had overheard everything as he had already come back to pick up the bill. She gave him the payment. Charles looked at her and said: “he does not deserve a woman like you.” She smiled and a tear showed timidly in her eye. She knew Charles was right.

Jerry came out and rushed her out. That night, Danielle knew that their relationship was not worth it but… she stayed. Sadly, a woman in love can’t and won’t see the true monster she is dating until it is too late.

Oh, if she would have only listened to Charles that night!